Over 4.7 Million RV Owners

We already know all your best prospects... all 4,707,923 of them in every US state! We contact them on your behalf and put your sales, service, and accessories messages in front of families proven to own & love RVs for traveling, camping, hunting, fishing, & enjoying the great outdoors.

Call for a Broadcast Quote Today!

Let our Digital Broadcasts light up your web traffic and sales!

Why are we different... and more effective than anything else you've likely done before?

Because we're SalesPRO Associates. We know it takes more than simply "running an ad" to maximize your marketing and sales efforts. We'll employ three steps in building every campaign that you typically won't find in a local market.

First - Audience: We build custom audiences from our 60,000-specialty double opt-in subscriber databases that are 100% based on your Best Customer Profile.

Second - Relevance: We build your messaging (ads) using our 12-year proven and proprietary methodology we call "The Conversion Equation". You see, we know there are four components required in EVERY marketing effort to maximize your results. If you're missing just one (which most advertisers are) you're likely getting just one-third of the results you COULD be getting simply by making some simple & logical adjustments.

Third: Connectivity: All our audiences are "addressable". That means there's no waste. We send your marketing messages to only those meeting the pre-defined characteristics, demographics, psychographics, & propensity to purchase what you sell using the very technology they use most.

We'll "tag" RV owners around your dealership, around your state, multiple states, or around the entire US, send them your message, and track their engagement with your messaging.

Next, we'll tell you how many prospects are available and how far away from your dealership they live before you spend a dime. Then, we'll match back their street address to your sales report so you can determine an accurate ROI. Who does that?

Check out these agency-quality HTML5 display ads. Produced for our OEM auto dealers - we'll do the same for you! A $500 value, ad production for our clients is free for the first year!  You can save up to $26,000 in production costs your first year! (Based on 52 weekly schedule).

Get a Bigger Slice When You Go With a PRO!

Let's put a plan together for your dealership

Have a question? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.

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