Media Marketing

Advanced Media Marketing Services

  • Marketing - It's not for everyone!

    Marketing: It's not for everyone!

If you just want to run ads

anyone can do that for you. If you want to grow profit, get some attribution, understand your ROI, and do it as efficiently and effectively as possible, then you need a SalesPRO.

Over the past 37+ years, from street sales to executive management, we've "been there, done that" through our experience in actually working for, and managing, some of the largest media companies in nearly every genre: television, radio, print, cable, outdoor, digital, proximity, mobile, OTT/CTV, addressable streaming, programmatic, contextual, interstitial, social, and sequential just to drop a few buzzwords some use to try to impress you with industry jargon.

The bottom-line for most business owners is simply results.

We won't try to impress you with buzzwords. In reality, they mean little... especially if the person using them can't explain what they actually mean. Add to all this exposure, we've spent decades on Madison Avenue, Michigan Avenue, 7-Mile Road, Buckhead, Santa Monica Boulevard and even Capitol Hill working with the world's leading advertising agencies and marketing shoppes.

It's like taking your car to the shop.

You probably don't care how the mechanic fixes your vehicle... you just want it done quickly and at a reasonable price. Just like a mechanic doesn't bore you by showing you all their cool tools and diagnostic equipment, we won't waste your time telling you how we'll permanently fix your advertising (unless you really wanna know!). We'll differentiate what we do and why it makes all the difference, but we'll try not to bore you. For those that wanna know, pull up a chair - we'll get as granular as you desire. We'll show you what they can't do, why they can't to it, and why it should make a difference to you.

You can trust we're going to fix your marketing... permanently. Here's why: locally, they sell you primarily on audience size and maybe some fragmentation on cable. But, that's about all they've got. Sure, they'll spout some demographics from a 2-year-old survey of 1%-2% of that audience, but that's all they know.

While audience size is a factor, it's not critical until you get everything else right. You need a relevant message that resonates with an audience made-up entirely of in-market buyers of what you sell, factoring in such things as propensity to buy, the financial and creditworthiness to buy, distance from your business center, cross-checked with county records, contact info for multiple ways to reach them, the necessary double opt-in that agrees to receive your messages using the very technology they use most, with the connectivity that makes it work without a bunch of waste, at a price that's reasonable and brings you a calculable ROI and projected profit... all BEFORE you spend a dime. That's exactly what we do.

OUTSMART instead of OUTSPEND your competitors

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